12. juni 2010

fredags fem :: friday's five

Denne uka (og nesten) arrangert madeline bea :: life set ot words et intensivt kreativt kurs: creativity boot camp. Jeg bestemte meg for å ta utfordringen og valgte å ta bilder som svar på utfordringene.

Jeg har skrevet litt på flicker som svar på dagens tankevekker (prompt) og utfordring. Klikk- klikk og så videre, du vet, på linken.

{ dag 1 :: ivory : stones :: steiner }

I wanted to use this image for my answer to the challenge to remind me of the solid work I do when I create, to continue to do "rock solid" work, be grounded and true to myself, and also feel and trust the company of others that are in the shape of me, but still different..

{ dag 3 :: multilayered :: mange lag }

Because usually, when I push trough and get it done, I can put away all my fears and see that there were no reasons for worrying. 

I guess my new work-word will have to be "Get it done!"

{ dag 4 :: heavy metal :: tungmetaller }

I find that I like to picture my word from at distance or close up. It's like I take a step back to take it all in, or step closer to get the details that caught my attention, the little things that really make the difference. Without them, I wouldn't have paused and looked closer.

{ dag 5 :: grow :: vekst }

These were the songs of my youth, me growing up and being a teenager. 
My friends of the same age have the same music memories, so many memories are connected to these songs when early spring comes around.

{ dag 6 :: fluid :: water }

My mind often wanders as I walk, and one thought move on to another like water flows in a stream. Sometime a problem is solved, sometime I get new ideas and sometimes I cannot remember my thoughts, but I feel good when I get home.

Utfordringen pågår i en uke til, og etter det kan man jo "ta" kurset sånn bare for seg sjøl, - creative boot camp.

boot camp

2 kommentarer:

  1. Bildet ditt fra sjøen / stranden er nydelig, er det Skallevold???

  2. @9na: det er liksom mellom skallevold og ringshaugstranda, - til venstre er skallevold, og til høyre, nedforbi odden, er da ringshaug.
    Fin tur å gå om og via skallevold, ta kysstien ned mot ringshaugstranda og så skrå hjem igjen :-)
