13. april 2008

stoffslanking :: #9 :: stashbusting

This report includes the last 2 months of my stashbusting. I'm not a quitter, but vacation and time spend writing at the computer took me away from my sewing machine. Now I'm finally back in my chair by the sewing machine and am getting some sewing done.

The final touches on several quilts, bindings and sleeves, used about 1 yard from my stash.

My mother and I sewed two small quilts entirely from my scrapbag. A lot of pieces, but no more than 1/2 yard (front and back) will I claim from my stash.

Last week I started the Bonnie's Orange Crunch mystery and have noted 1 yard from my stash for the four patches.

Last week I sewed a small purse using bits and pieces from my scrap bag. Can I say I used 1/4 yard maybe?

Yesterday I cut red patches for a border to a quilt my mother has sewed all the blocks for, and that ate all the country reds I had in my stash, - about 1 yard. Just a few pieces back for my scrap bag.

I did buy 5 x 30 cm's last weekend, and this week I needed backing for a quilt and I had to buy 2 m. Good for me that it was on sale although they hadn't marked it yet.

stashbusting :: stoffreduksjon

Status 9th report :: 9ende rapport 
bought fabric = 3,5 meters :: stoffinnkjøp = 3,5 meters
fabric used from stash = ca 3 3/4 meters :: stoff fra samlingen = ca 3 3/4 meters 
books & pattern = 0 pattern :: bøker og mønster = 0 mønterpakker
this & that = 1 :: småsaker = 1
Still very happy :: fortsatt superfornøyd

Nå som jeg sitter ved symaskinen igjen, kjennes det godt å kunne oppdatere hvor mye jeg har brukt fra stoffsamlinga siste tiden. Jeg har nemlig ikke droppet tanken og ønsket om å redusere/ bruke masser fra stofflageret i år. Jeg har bare hatt ferie og brukt tid ved pc og ikke sittet spesielt ved symaskinen for å sy nye ting.
(Ikke så bra å noter ned at det har blitt en del påfyll også, selvom det var aldri så nødvendig,  - jeg vet jo at jeg har mye flott på lageret.)

2 kommentarer:

  1. så flink du er å bruke det du har! Det er en god følelse det.

  2. I saw your beautiful quilt at Olavsgård!!! I have pictures! I am going to put one on my blog!!! Wow! Beautiful!
