Jeg visste at jeg hadde tatt en del internett kurs, både gratis og de som man betaler litt for, men at det har blitt så mange og så jevnt over, – det ante jeg ikke.
For meg er det å ha tilgang på internettkurs som en blanding av å sette seg på skolenbenken og være i et læringsmiljø og å låne en bok på biblioteket. Best liker jeg de kursene der jeg får en oppgave jevnt utover, men noen ganger er det jo slik at en kommer etter oppstart, og da godtar jeg at jeg må ta fatt på mer hjemmelekser eller et selvstudium.
I 2009 handlet det mest om foto, – både redigering og selve bruken av det magiske speilefreflekskameraet, for så å handle mer om bloggerlivet. I år har det også handlet mye om bloggerlivet, om markedsføringsteknikker og om det å stole på sine egne kreative valg iblandet en god dose “ta det med ro – legg sjela i arbeidet” kurs. Innslagene er igjen foto, både redigering og verktøy.
(Noter at jeg allerede hadde iPhone på ønkelista for juni, – men så ble det å vente på 4-utgaven, og nå er den bestilt: hurra!)
Noen av kursene er tatt av plakaten, noen av kursene kan man vente på at de blir satt opp igjen.
For meg har det vært et lærerikt år, og jeg har mye matnyttig lærdom med videre.
together :: 2 perspectives ::
on how to live a creatively fulfilling life
marisa haedike + sean hogan :: 12.januar 2010 :: logg-inn-blog med podcasts
“There are more opportunities than ever to live a life you truly want, especially creatively. With so many choices, deciding where you want to go and how to get there can feel daunting and overwhelming.”
in the fish bowl ::
marisa haedike :: 4. mars 2010 – 6 uker :: logg-inn-blog med podcasts
“How to make a living, market yourself, and maneuver as an artist online,
while staying true to who you are.”
type + write 2 :: photoediting + writing
jessica sprague + liv esteban ::
5. april 2010 – 2 uker :: logg-inn-blogg + video-opplæring
(via spragueground)
“ Regardless, it's a pretty safe guess that we are here because we hunger to tell our stories with our photos and our words (we do, we really do!), except we want support and encouragement and guidance and instruction and, yep, all that we can get our hands on so that we can struggle less and ease right into getting our words out of our hearts and onto our layouts, right?”
point & shoot journaling ::
thirty days of photograph + journaling prompts
lk ludwig :: mai 2010 – selvstudium m. 30 poster :: logg-inn-blogg
“Whether you photograph everyday or keep your prompts handy for when you need a creative snack, you will find these prompts will increase your creativity when taking photographs, beyond the photograph prompt. The journaling prompt will encourage you to be more intentional in how photograph, and to have a larger understanding of your visual content.”
the camera in your pocket ::
iPhone point & shoot journaling
lk ludwig :: 8.juni 2010 – 60 mm poster :: logg-inn-blogg
“A camera only makes images when you use it. It doesn't make images when it is sitting in a drawer, on a table, in a bag. A camera doesn't take photographs when it is at home and you are out. A camera that is with you is the most useful, best, most exciting creative tool you can have. For me, the camera that is perpetually in my pocket is my iPhone.”
flying lessons ::
tips + tricks to help your creative business soar
kelly rae roberts :: 30 mai 2010 – 5 uker :: logg-inn-blog + pdf-bok til slutt
(kan kjøpe e-bok/ pdf-bok etterpå, – en-dagssalg i dag, 5. januar 2011)
“You’ll find musings, encouragement, practical tips and thoughtful guidance on everything from how to create an online presence to how to create a creative community to how to successfully market your business to receiving press to getting published to facing the fears that inevitably come when we push ourselves to do things we’ve never done before.”
creative boot camp :: are you ready?
Maegan :: 6.juni 2010 – 2 uker :: gratis bloggkurs
“Creativity Boot Camp is a two week intensive e-course designed to take your creativity to the next level. The course will consist of daily creative conditioning exercises to shift your life patterns allowing for a full embracing of your creative selves leading to higher levels of creativity.”
room to breath :: summer soulstice care
theresa bennett :: 20. juni 2010 – 6 uker :: logg-inn-blogg + podcasts
(via wishstudio)
“ Have you neglected your own self-care and room to breathe in your life? Any ways you can think of infusing your summer with some non-literal or literal yoga? This class is a great way to connect with and nourish your mind, body, and soul through the sultry summer months.”
computer tricks for cards
jessica sprague :: 28. juni 2010 – 2 uker :: gratis logg-inn + video-opplæring
(via spragueground)
“In this week-long class we'll explore techniques you can create with your computer and then add your own touches, for incredible, giftable greetings. Handmade cards are gifts in and of themselves, and what better way to share and send your memories?”
from bija to bloom
emily perry :: 7. juli 2010 - 4 uker :: videokurs + pdf-oppgaver
(via wishstudio)
“bija is the sanskrit word for seed… this ecourse is designed to center our hearts and minds energetically so that our creative voices may be heard. with the mandala mapping technique, you will be encouraged to liberate your authentic and creative self while going on a mindful and nurturing journey to unleash your creative voice.”
inspiration stay-cation
kim klassen :: 2. august 2010 – 1 uke :: gratis bloggkurs (+ kjøpe e-bok etterpå)
“a week of fun and creativity with amazing blogging friends. the week will consist of a variety of inspiration, from writing, to art journaling, to photography, story telling, kindness, photoshop fun, & some challenges too…. all kinds of stay-cation goodness!”
simple soulful photography
irene nam :: 4 oktober 2010 – 4 uker :: logg-inn-blog + pdf-bok til slutt
(via wishtudio)
“In a supportive and like-minded community of professional, aspiring and every day photographers, you will explore the connection between creativity and self-care, learn basics but essential techniques on composition and lighting as well as tips to help you discover what you can do with your camera and how to create the images that you want.”
this moment :: all you have is all you need
mindy tsonas :: 15.11.2010 – 5 uker :: logg-inn-blogg + pdf-bok til slutt
(via wishtudio)
“i will share with you the tales and gems of my experiences as well as offer you encouragement to find the joy that exists in your own life through creative practices and compassionate acceptance.”
blog love :: an e-course for bloggers
Elsie Flannigan :: 1. desember 2010 – selvstudie :: logg-inn-blogg
“This course was written with new bloggers in mind, but it goes way beyond simply 'getting started'. I love blogging, but never would have expected that it could become such a big part of my career! I spent the past month compiling tips, stories and ideas for young bloggers.”
picture the holiday :: a photo a day
tracey clark :: 1.desember 2010 – hele desember :: daglige oppgaver på mail
(via bigpicture)
“I offer this 31-day creative journey as not just another thing stacked on your holiday plate (so to speak) but instead, I intend it to be a nurturing gesture, encouraging you to take on the season one day at a time, through a grateful frame of mind and a joyful lens. The object of Picture the Holidays is to actually slow down enough to experience what the holidays are really meant for: the giving of compassion, kindness and love and the receiving of the same.”